Inspired by true events, in the winter of 1924 Kolkata, amidst the fervour of the Indian Nationalist Movement, an 18-year-old torn between personal convictions and the call for national duty is recruited by a seasoned freedom fighter. Tasked with a pivotal mission against the British, the boy’s internal conflict escalates when he’s required to prove his loyalty through the assassination of a British informant. As the consequences of his actions unfold, the narrative intricately weaves the fate of an orphaned little girl into the tapestry of loyalty, sacrifice, and the relentless struggle for independence. Set against the socio-political turbulence of the era, this historical drama delves into the profound choices individuals make within the complex fabric of a nation’s fight for freedom and intertwines the tumultuous events of the Indian Independence Struggle with the haunting realities of children caught in conflict zones.
Set during the Indian Independence Movement, this film is a converging point of my immense gratitude to my countrymen who sacrificed for the freedom we enjoy today and my general apathy towards war in current times that is coming at the cost of countless human lives – especially children – the most vulnerable section among the ones affected. Additionally, I wanted to look at the movement from a multi-dimensional perspective i.e. the viewpoints of opposite sides in question, the mental traumas inflicted on innocent children (like in any catastrophic war) and the then British Administration’s ability to divide the people in the country through division politics and favouritism. This neo-noir film is treated with a lot of gentleness and subtlety, which I am hoping the audience will resonate with. I sincerely hope this effort opens up a series of much-needed conversations for a better future.