“I am no Queen” intricately intertwines the lives of Rani, Ridhi, Professor Neha, and Harry, offering a moving exploration of the challenges international students face in Canada. Rani, whose name ironically means “queen,” finds herself captured in a web of financial struggles and exploitation after unknowingly enrolling in a fraudulent college. As she navigates the dark underworld of the sex trafficking industry, Rani’s story becomes a powerful focal point, highlighting the harsh realities and desperate choices faced by international students. Along with this, Rani and Ridhi battle their own hardships, while Professor Neha emerges as a loyal advocate for their rights. Meanwhile, Harry, a pimp, is drawn into a world he never imagined, haunted by tragic events from his past. Through their interconnected journeys, “I Am No Queen” presents a compelling narrative that challenges societal norms and emphasizes the importance of compassion and harmony in adversity.