The film revolves around Kaalidhar, a middle-aged man who develops a degenerative disease. During a festival, he overhears his sibling’s plans to abandon him and runs away himself. Somewhere along the road, he meets a young orphan boy, Ballu, who teaches him how to fearlessly live for himself. They set out on a fulfilling journey to complete Kaalidhar’s checklist of forgotten dreams.
The opportunity to create something like Kaalidhar Laapata was very exciting for me, as it was an adaptation of my own film, KD Karuppudurai. It was a chance to retell a story about a unique friendship through a new lens. What culminated through the writing process was something entirely different. It had the same soul as KD Karuppudurai, but was completely unique in itself. The world in which our protagonist finds himself is very rural and rooted, yet his journey is something everyone can connect with. The story is not constrained by age, locality, or status. These are emotions that all of us come face to face with at some stage of our lives, and that’s what makes this film what it is.