Amidst the chaos of war and destruction that engulfs the city, 9-year-old Malak tries to save her brother by treating him with music using an MP3 player.
Mp3 idea came from my living in the country that has not gone through a day without war. I confined the characters of the film in one unspecified place. Two little kids, brother and sister Youssef and Malak, dream of a different future without struggle for life, injury, loss and survival. Youssef, after loosing his mother in the shooting in front of his eyes and getting a bullet that paralyses him, finds his only escape from the evil reality into the world of his dreams through listening to the MP3 player in his headphones. The little girl Malak becomes a mother to his brother Youssef. She dreams and wishes her dear brother could walk again but even in her dreams the reality reminds of itself in blood that she witnessed in her life. Despite her young age, she takes the role of an adult person, becomes strong and does everything to save her brother she loves so much. She is a real superhero, even though she doesn’t know that, just like all those other many girls and women who face the affects of war and take the burden on themselves saving their loved ones.