Through a kaleidoscopic series of snapshots in the backdrop of an anonymous metropolis that is rumoured to be sinking over the next 50 years, an immigrant mother and daughter search for her missing husband, a palaeontologist excavating an unidentified fossil reminisces over the guilt of his failed love and 3 unemployed migrant workers grapple with survival while something mysterious and primal starts awakening beneath the earth.
SINKING is an attempt at expressing a recurring alienation I have felt with the idea of “modernity” associated with urban landscapes. Since leaving my hometown to study filmmaking, I have travelled the ever developing cities of my country, especially its metropolises like Mumbai. I have observed that in the unrelenting march of “progress” and the verticality of not only our urban landscapes but also our aspirations, there is much that is left behind, many who sink beneath a city’s weight and a lot that we forget to feel. SINKING observes one such growing city where the constant digging of the earth awakens something primal by mistake. It perhaps calls for us to dig into our own-self (beyond the apathy) and awaken something essentially human which is getting buried deeper everyday. In the recent past, India has faced massive disregard of human rights of migrant workers. In Assam, individuals have gone missing on the basis of proof of identity. The mother’s search and the 3 migrant workers of SINKING cannot be removed from relation to these recent events. I was also quite intrigued by a news that parts of India will start submerging over the next 50 years, starting from one of the most affluent and industrial parts of its metropolis Mumbai. There is a certain poetic irony with which nature tends to readjusts the balance. What does this ominous forewarning mean for the future? Is there still time to change or salvage ourselves? SINKING perhaps, then becomes a warning sign.